Sunday, June 26, 2011


June is going by so quickly! 

Brief update: have lost several pounds and am in dire need of new pants that don't fall off of me :)  This is a good thing.  Bad thing: sprained my foot on Wednesday.  It's on the mend, but I'm a little nervous to go back to training...hoping I don't re-injure it. 

I'll do a real update soon.  :)  Love to you all. 

Saturday, June 4, 2011


Life has felt like a bit of a blur lately- but a good one.  There have been some enormous changes in my life- and all good.  Months ago I caught a documentary called "Fat, Sick, & Nearly Dead" on tv...and the changes began.  The movie is about a man with an auto-immune disease that is crippling his ability to enjoy life, he is 90 pounds overweight, and decides to do something about it.  Doctors haven't been able to help him, he's taking multiple doses of steroids every day to keep his disease under control, and he suddenly questions: If my body could heal itself on the outside, why couldn't it heal itself on the INSIDE as well?  He goes on a 60 day juice fast.  Nothing but juice of fresh vegetables and fruits.  He explains the difference between micro and macro nutrients.  Micronutrients are the good stuff: fruits, veggies, nuts, beans... Macronutrients are everything else. 

Long story short, he loses the 90 pounds, cures his autoimmune disorder, and sparks a movement that is spreading like wildfire.  EAT MORE PRODUCE. 

I found the movie incredibly inspirational, especially as someone that has had my share of health struggles.  It got me to thinking about curing the damage that's been done to the inside of my body from prescription drugs, chemo, radiation, and the toxins that come with every day life.  So I gave myself a goal of changing my diet...making HALF of each meal be micronutrients...raw when possible, and organic when possible. 

Fast forward a few months and I have switched to a plant-based, mostly organic, lean diet, and I'm already seeing benefits in my health and skin that surprise me.  Eating better made me want to do everything better.  I hired a personal trainer and have been working with her- and working HARD- four times a week.

(as a side note: another INCREDIBLE documentary is "Food Matters." Speaks volumes about how most health issues are preventable with nutrition...but that there's no money in nutrition...there's money in the pharmaceutical industry.  Really thought provoking.)

Working that hard on myself made me see how easy "work" has become.  I recently found out that my job is being eliminated, but I have an opportunity to move into something new, that will be a good change of pace. 

I have felt so much more clear-headed about everything in life.  What is possible, the goals that seemed too difficult to reach now seem just around the corner.  I've been happy this past year and a half, but now I'm more than that...I'm super EXCITED about life in general.  My life is falling into place in so many ways.  Things are good.